Tuesday 21 June 2022

2022-0621 - The "Library Of Things" At LIVAT Hammersmith

Dear All

The following message has been received from the "LIBRARY OF THINGS" in Hammersmith.


has recently launched in Hammersmith. 

If you haven’t already heard of it, "LIBRARY OF THINGS" provides a kiosk in local community hubs that is full of high-quality tools and things that you can hire out, saving you from buying something new and promoting a circular economy. It’s a great option if you need something that you know you’ll only use once or twice, saving storage space and saving items being bought that would only end up in landfills.

Attached you'll find their flyer and also below are two links from the Hammersmith Council and Livat shopping centre with some information that could be useful for you to share:

