Saturday 19 November 2022

2022-1118 PSPO "Responsible Dog Ownership"

Dear All

The council have, after many months delay, now issued the survey for the 
Public Space Protection Order - Responsible Dog Ownership Survey, see:

Please note the following with regards specifically to the questions that relate to Cathnor Park:

Question 9 - "Cathnor Park Picnic Zone" - does not exist but it is supposed to (possibly) be the "Bowl Area" which is fenced off and a "dog free" zone despite the council not have provided the necessary signage.

Question 11 - "Cathnor Park - Forest Schools Zone" - it is unknown what this refers to as it is NOT defined in this Park.


Responsible Dog Ownership -
Public Space Protection Order

To help keep our parks safe and pleasant for all we’re consulting on whether we should introduce certain rules around dogs in our parks and open spaces.

PSPOs are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They are not about stopping the responsible use of public spaces - but they do provide councils with a tool to tackle persistent issues that are damaging their communities.

The vast majority of dog owners act responsibly and keep their dogs under control. However, the council continues to receive concerns from residents about the behaviour of some dogs and irresponsible dog owners.

In response to this, the council is launching a consultation to ask residents their opinions about a variety of dog control related issues. The feedback from the consultation will help to shape and inform whether the council introduces a dog control public space protection order (PSPO). In our consultation we have proposed a number of potential prohibitions which have been designed to be as simple as possible, giving clarity and outlining expectations. Assistance dog users may be exempt from such prohibitions and we welcome their input on this matter.

We want to ensure that well behaved dogs can be walked or exercised freely off lead in all large parks. Therefore the majority of our parks and open space have areas where a dog is able to exercise freely off a lead. This promotes healthy exercise for dogs and takes into consideration the needs of the borough’s dog owners and the welfare of dogs.

The council are proposing a Dog Control PSPO which will cover: 

  1. A ‘dog exclusion’ order, which would enable authorised officers to stop dogs from entering certain areas including children’s playgrounds, sports courts, multi-use games areas and marked pitches (where games are in-play) and dog free areas in parks.
  2. A ‘dogs on leads’ order, which would enable authorised officers to stop people from exercising dogs off-leads in certain areas, such as wildlife conservation areas and cemeteries.
  3. A ‘dogs on leads by direction’ order, which would grant authorised officers the power to request that dogs be put on leads where they are not under the appropriate control of their owner, or where they are causing damage or acting aggressively.
  4. A ‘specified maximum’ order, which would enable authorised officers to issue penalties to those walking more than the maximum number of dogs at any one time.
  5. A ‘dog fouling’ order which would enable authorised officers to fine those that do not clean up after their dog.
  6. A ‘poop scoop and/or disposable bag’ order, this would enable authorised officers to ask dog walkers to produce a clean-up bag which would be used to remove the faeces from the land on request.

How would the PSPO be enforced? 

If the person in charge of a dog fails to comply with the requirements of the order, following a warning from an authorised council or police officer, they will be issued with £100 Fixed Penalty Notice. The offender will be taken to court if the fine is not paid within the specified timeframe. A person guilty of an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine unless:

1. They have the consent from the owner, occupier or person in charge of the land, not to comply with the order

2. They have a reasonable excuse for failing to comply, or

3. They fall within one of the other exemptions within the order

How long would the PSPO last for? 

We are proposing that the PSPO lasts for three years at which point we would decide whether to renew it in consultation with residents.

Have your say and what happens next?

We are currently reviewing our rules around dog control and would like to hear your views on any aspects of the PSPO we are proposing.

We want to ensure that the PSPO is proportionate and so we are asking for your feedback to see whether you think these restrictions are needed.

To have your say, please click here to complete the survey below.

Please share your thoughts before the consultation closes on Sunday 15 January 2023.

For any site-specific related questions, please contact us at link).

For any queries about the PSPO, please contact us at link).

Page last updated: 18 Nov 2022, 03:54 PM