Sunday 25 June 2023

2023-0625 - LBHF Controlled Parking Survey - Zone V

Dear All

LBHF are seeking your views on their questions about parking in the LBHF area. You will only be able to answer the area relevant to your home or business as you will have to be registered with LBHF to complete this.

This link should take you to a list of parking zones in your area:

The survey for parking Zone V, can be viewed at:

You will probably need to be registered with LBHF to complete this task. The Zone V Streets are shown below. 

Parking consultations

As part of Hammersmith & Fulham's ongoing review of Controlled Parking Zones across the borough, they would like to invite you to take part in the parking zone questionnaire relevant to your area. This will help them to better understand if any improvements could be made to localised parking arrangements in your zone.

The census should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Please taking the time to complete this census as the closing date is 7th July 2023.