Friday 7 October 2022

2022-1007 - Times For Planting In Cathnor Park 13th October

Dear All,
I apologise for missing out the timing for the planting  and litter picking on the previous email. 

The timing will be from 10hr30 to 12hr00.

Meet in Cathnor Park.

The Friends of Cathnor Park are pleased to let you know that they are receiving plants from the LBHF Council. 

Idverde, the contractor for maintaining the park, will come on site to plant them on Thursday, 13th October. 

Anyone who has some time to spare on Thursday will be most welcome even if for 15 minutes ...

… and the list of plants is below … please bring trowels, spades, gloves with you.

With kind regards and hope to see you then,


Friends of Cathnor Park

  • Nepeta X faasenii x 40
  • Hebe ‘Purple Queen’ x 15
  • Ceanothus thyrsiflorus x 12
  • Ribes sanguineum x 12
  • Cytisus scoparius x 12
  • Echinops ritro x 18
  • Viburnum farreri x 12
  • Hebe ‘Midsummer Beauty’ x 10
  • Viburnum opulus x 15
  • Santolina rosmariniifolia x 20
  • Geranium ‘Rozanne’ x 12
  • Helleborus niger x 20
  • Euphorbia amygdaloides x 40
  • Phlomis tuberosa x 20
  • Leucanthemum vulgare x 30